Two teams of students from RICE participated in the International Trade Fair of Ideas Inventions New Products (iENA) from October 31 to November 3, 2019 at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center, Germany. The competition is a professional occasion that creates opportunities for students to present new ideas and inventions. At iENA, inventions from around the world will be presented, evaluated and honored by the International Jury at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center, a great opportunity for students to exchange scientific and technical knowledge as well as international diplomatic relations. This year's competition attracted more than 12,000 inventors with more than 2000 topics from 40 countries around the world.
For the first time participating in the contest, Team RICE excellently won 2 gold medals with topics focusing on issues of social scientific interest, with high applicability in the fields of biomedical engineering and biochemistry ... At the competition, teams must present their research results and answer questions from the Judges. Research topics must be new, creative and practical.
The team presents their researches in the competition
Photos of students during the competition